Frequently Asked Questions.
Before we get started with your treatment, it is a good idea that we get the official stuff out of the way. Below contains important information which applies for all appointments.
What do you treat?
This clinic has a special interest in gynaecology and menstruation, menopause symptoms, post partum recovery, adolescent wellbeing, sleep issues, stress including burn out, anxiety and depression, digestive, dermatology, parasites and other complex chronic cases not responding to alopathic treatment. We also help those experiencing post viral symptoms, and symptoms of vaccination side effects.
Because Chinese medicine excels at treating underlying cause rather than only the symptoms, we do not “treat fertility” as this is symptom of an underlying imbalance. The great thing about this is you happily get more benefit than what you bargained for, including setting up long term health of your child.
Our goal is to help empower clients to live their best life and arming with an understanding of individual wellbeing needs. Our strengths lay in acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, and diet therapy.
As a registered practitioner I am governed by AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioners Registration Agency) which has strict guidelines on how I can communicate how our services can help the public which may be why you find it difficult doing your research where there’s lots of vague suggestions online and a lack of testimonials (also not allowed).
Strictly speaking I can’t advertise we treat any condition or diagnosis you may have received unless there are gold-standard studies to back up the claims. This makes it difficult because our system of medicine is a square peg and it’s like trying to fit it in a round hole.
Which appointment type do I select?
To help manage demand, at this stage online bookings are only open for telehelath consultations.
If you haven’t attended the clinic before, you will need to book an Initial consult.
If you are seeking treatment for natural fertility or undergoing Assisted Reproduction (IUI, IVF, ICSI) please select Initial-Long.
All returning clients to the clinic – regardless of location and practitioner – can book a standard consultation. If you haven’t attended the clinic in some time and in rare instances, you may be charged an intitial to cover for re-intake.
How do I prepare for my first appointment?
Clients attending all Initial appointments will receive a link in their confirmation email to complete the Intake forms and Informed Consent. This will need to be completed ahead of time, at least one day prior.
Once arriving to clinic, check in with the reception. As your practitioner is trying their best to stay on schedule, we request that you make sure you arrive with enough time to use the lavatories first so appointments can get started on time for consideration of following clients.
What do I wear?
There is no specific clothing required for receiving acupuncture. Treatments often involve cupping applied to the skin, and requires access to the back. Acupuncture can often involve points up to the knees, elbows, head, abdomen. In some cases the higher on the leg (this is discussed with you first). If you prefer, you can wear loose fitting clothing to avoid removing pants. It is preferred that women wear a bra that unclasps at the back. If you are coming from work, no sweat, we give ample privacy to de-robe before treatment begins.
What does a consult look like?
All treatments will involve a consultation. During the consultation we will ask some questions about what you are experiencing, feel the pulse and observe the tongue. We also make observations about skin, face, nails, voice, mannerisms, that can give clues as to underlying patters. Do not fret, this is all a part of the diagnostic process, we are trained to read the body.
In most cases, next you will receive cupping as part of your medicinal treatment. During this time your practitioner is also looking for marks, and tension, temperature changes and other little clues to help cross check and add to the diagnosis. Cupping may be a brief sliding or a few minutes of stationary cups depending on the treatment principle. At this point you may get Gua Sha which is a scraping on the skin to draw out stagnation and heat alleviating tension and pain.
Acupuncture needles are then inserted at specific points on the body as according to the diagnosis and treatment principle. You may have heat lamps over certain areas, or moxibustion can be used at this time if inidcated. In a few instances you may receive a few prickles to draw dots of blood (called lancing) which will be discussed with you prior.
The acupuncture needles are retained from anywhere from 15 – 45 minutes depending on treatment principle. During this time you are relaxed and cosy and may meditate or even have an ‘acu-snooze’. You have the option to have a buzzer to call your practitioner back at any point. If herbs are applicable your practitioner will be preparing your herbs during this time.
I’ve seen the marks but what exactly is cupping and gua sha?
Cupping is a form of treatment where suction is created on target areas of the skin with a specialised glass cup and lit ethanol-soaked cotton ball. Cupping usually occurs on the back at key areas relating to internal organs. Cupping can also occur on areas of physical pain. Cupping can either be stationary, sliding along skin, or “flashing” – a quick succession of suction and removal along affected areas.
Cupping separates soft tissue and breaks up painful adhesions. Cupping also promotes blood and qi flow, stimulates lymphatic circulation, has a therapeutic effect on internal organs, and expels cold and flu symptoms.
During cupping you may experience tenderness in certain areas, itching and a mild to moderate suction sensation. Mild to moderate pain may be experienced as target areas are released. You should be aware that cupping often results in painless circular marks that differ from bruising, and typically fade within a few days.
Gua Sha involves scraping a ceramic soup spoon along certain areas of the skin to bring up “sha” to promote healing and alleviate pain. You should be aware that Gua Sha typically is accompanied with tenderness and pain that is normal and necessary to achieve therapeutic effect. Please alert your practitioner if at any time you feel major discomfort. Gua Sha results in mild pink to deep purple marks that differ from bruising and typically fade within a few days.
What does acupuncture feel like?
During your acupuncture treatment, you might experience mild sensations including pricking on needle insertion; tingling; aching; soreness; numbness; fullness; distention; pressure; heaviness; warmth. These sensations are a normal part of acupuncture treatment. The quality and strength of sensation varies, depending on the individual, the condition and its severity. If at any point you do experience feelings of discomfort or sharp pain that does not subside, please tell your practitioner immediately so that they can ensure you are comfortable. This likely involves adjusting or reinsertion of the needle.
Any adverse sides to acupuncture?
Mild bruising may occur on one or more points and will usually fade within a few days. In the rare instance you experience dizziness, faintness, light-headedness, mild nausea, chills, sweating or anxiety please notify your practitioner who will attend to you accordingly. These symptoms relate to a phenomenon called “needle shock”, and is considered a harmless transient reaction to acupuncture, usually in the presence of low blood sugar, exhaustion or anxiety.
What should I feel like after the treatment?
In the vast majority of cases you should feel improved physical and psychological wellbeing, a sense of an energy shift and in some instances a little bit of relaxed tiredness. It is not always possible to predict an outcome of treatment as responses vary depending on the individual, the condition and its severity, and any aggravating factors. Pain relief can be expected immediately or in the ensuing days. In few instances symptoms may worsen and is a normal part of the healing process.
Do I have to have acupuncture, are there any alternative treatments?
It is not mandatory to receive acupuncture for a Chinese medicine treatment. We can start of with more subtle techniques such as cupping, tui-na (a type of acupressure massage), intradermal needles (very very tiny needles retained in place by adhesive), ear seeds, and herbal medicine.
Do the herbal medicine taste bad?
The format of herbs that are notoriously bad tasting are what we call ‘Raw herbs’. These are bags of a specific combination of herbs we call a formula that are geared to your specific presentation. These herbs need to be cooked up (decocted) and you drink the reduced liquid. Be prepared for a strong herby taste and whether they taste ‘bad’ will all depend on your palette and the constituents of your formula. Some herbs purposefully need to taste bitter as that has a specific action on the body.
We provide useful tips in taking your medicine. The majority of our clients report enjoying the taste and the ritual and engagement with cooking the herbs (your medicine) which sometimes outweighs the taste.
How do I cook the raw herbs, and how often?
You will be provided with cooking instructions and the opportunity to purchase a specific ceramic herbal cooking pot at the conclusion of your treatment. Allow for up to 1.5 hours in total. The herbs can be cooking in the background while pottering around the home – just make sure you use a timer!
On general dosage, it requires cooking two bags a week. This can vary depending on diagnosis and treatment plan. We also stock pills that can be used as back up, and often these are supplied as part of your treatment as a back up.
When do I take the herbs?
You will likely be given a herbal dose amount to take in the morning and a dose in the evening, whether it be pills or the decoction. Your practitioner will give you specific amounts at the time of your appointment.
How long will treatment take?
Length of treatment depends on how your body response and how deeply entrenched the disharmony/pathogen is, how many co-existing patterns, aggravation diet or lifestyle factors, or compliance with taking medicines and attending treatments.
Naturally we do our best to make swift progress. After 2-3 treatments your practitioner can have a more clear picture of treatment timeline. Do be aware that some patterns such as deeply lodged damp-phlegm treatment time can be lengthy. However during this time you will notice changes to your quality of life as treatment progresses.
What is the cost?
Initial appointments are $185
Initial-Long appointments are $225 (this is for fertility intake or long intake appointments).
Follow up appointments are $150.
Budget approximately $45 a week for herbs, but we aim to keep this a little cheaper if possible by doing a combination of raw herbs and pills.
What are you Terms of Service?
Reschedules and Cancellations
Your healthcare is important to us and when we make an appointment time it is an agreement with you and that we have made a commitment to your healthcare. The commitment to your health needs to be as important and as much a priority to you as it is to us, therefore we only reschedule under emergency situations.
If there are multiple cancellations or re-schedules you will be unable to make further appointments at this clinic in order to make space for those committed to their treatments with us.
Late Cancellation Policy
In order provide a valuable service we have to put a late cancellation policy in place. If you must make a change to your appointment, please provide a minimum of 48 hours notice. For this reason we send out SMS and email reminders two days prior.
Changes made under this notice period will automatically attract a cancellation fee of 100% of the consultation fee to cover the cost of appointments held in your name. Payment must be made before being able to schedule further appointments. The only exception is personal and immediate family emergencies (and labour if you’re coming in for birth induction!).
You are welcome to attend appointments with colds and flu as we have treatments available for both.
To make things run smoothly we are now requiring pre-payment of initial consults before the appointment either via direct deposit or Stripe payment gateway. Prior to your appointment you will be sent an invoice and/or payment link via email. Y
Payment for products and herbs can also be made via direct deposit or Stripe for which you will be sent a payment link to be paid within one day of your treatment. Failure to pay for herbs unless prior arranged will result in cancellation of future appointments.
Treatment Plans
Chinese medicine treatments are a partnership between client and practitioner. Clients rely on practitioners for healthcare, medicines and advice. Practitioners rely on clients for compliance in taking herbal medicines, attending appointments and incorporating self care Yang Shen advice. We aim to make the process of your healthcare enjoyable and achievable, while supporting change. This is why we insist on compliance with treatment plans in order to get clients best possible outcomes.
Your practitioner will outline a treatment plan during your initial consultation, an expected amount of treatments minimum to start seeing a shift, and then further consolidation treatments to ensure you’re well on your way. Sometimes this is a matter of a few appointments, sometimes longer treatment times are required.
If you are experiencing troubles taking herbal medicines or finding time, you need to discuss this with your practitioner immediately so they can account for this, this is our job and we are happy to help.
What about private health rebates?
Chinese medicine is eligible for private health rebates. The rebate depends on your health fund and level of cover. You will need to claim to health fund directly as we no longer support HiCaps. This is due to HiCaps and health funds convoluted and changeable red tape placed on the clinic. We’d rather focus our energy on your diagnosis and treatment and not paperwork.
Is Acupuncture covered by NDIS, TAC, Workcover, SIRA?
Yes, acupuncture is an allied health service covered by the above and ability to claim depends on your personal circumstances. Please contact the organisations directly to arrange approval.
If you have got this far we are seriously impressed! Thank you for taking the time to become familiar with your treatments. We look forward to a wonderful collaboration with you in your healthcare.