Make your own surface spray
This life-changing surface spray can be used on all surfaces, bathrooms, works amazing for mirrors and glass, and cleans toilets like a mo-fo. The best thing? It cost next-to-nix to make, smells incredible and is safe around food preparation areas while killing germs.
I used to work with this legend of a woman and she gave me this recipe. She gave me a lot of gifts, even the gift of friendship, but I think that the gift of this recipe is the best of all*. You’ll agree when you try it.
1.5 cups filtered water
1/2 cup rubbing alcohol. With the CV germ paranoia there’s plenty of distilleries producing good quality hand sanitiser. Help out a small biz and you get a good clean non-petroleum based product.
1 tsp gentle dish soap. My preferred is Dr Bronners Sal Suds.
16 drops of essential oil blend. My fave: 6 Green Mandarin, 4 Rosemary, 6 Lime.
Combine all ingredients in an amber spray bottle ($5 from Target), shake well. Stash them all over the house.
*just kidding Nic. Love ya guts xxx